Fast food CEO at the Department of Labor?

It's hard to imagine a more ridiculous choice for the Cabinet, but that's where we're at: Donald Trump is nominating anti-minimum wage fast food CEO Andy Puzder to serve as Secretary of Labor.

Puzder is the nominee to run the Department of Labor even though the chain he runs has a record of wage theft violations. Even though he has spoken passionately about his desire to replace people with robots. And even though he's an outspoken opponent of the minimum wage

Here’s the good news: Senator Patty Murray of Washington is a top member of the committee which will hold Puzder's confirmation hearings. And she’ll get to ask him questions — face to face, while he’s under oath and before the public.

Tell Patty Murray to ask tough questions at Puzder’s confirmation hearing

Senator Murray, Ask him about wage theft at the chains he runs.

Senator Murray, Ask him why he wants to replace his workers with robots.

Senator Murray, Ask him why he opposes the minimum wage. 

Senator Murray, I don't care what you ask, just stop him!

If you were in the Senate, what would you ask? Tell us your best ideas for how you would approach the hearing, and we'll compile the results and make sure Senator Murray hears what you want her to do.

Puzder may be the nominee. But he's not in office yet.