
Three days later, and many of us are still concerned, confused, and challenged by the results of the Presidential election. There’s a lot to process, and we're all left wondering what happened and what we can do to mobilize, activate and engage in the next 4 years. (And if you're not there, that's ok too — self care is critical at a time like this.)  

When we look at the results here in Washington, we keep thinking about Initiative 1433. Our ballot measure to raise the minimum wage and provide paid sick days is winning with almost 60% of the vote, far outpacing the winning candidate for President. In fact, Initiative 1433 won majority support in 16 Washington counties (and 49% of the vote in two more counties) many of them far outside the Seattle metropolitan area. By contrast, Hillary Clinton only got a majority of the vote in 9 counties.

Initiative 1433 Election Results

Green counties voted Yes on Initiative 1433; Red counties opposed. The greener the county, the higher the support.

Presidential Election Results

Blue counties voted for Clinton; Red counties voted for Trump. 

There’s no easy explanation here. But three days after Election Day, it does seem clear there’s a path forward to build a powerful statewide organization around workers issues and income inequality. And it seems even more clear that there’s a need for this. 

To make that happen, we need your help. We don't have all the answers (we might not have any of them), but we do think we need to start by listening to our communities.  

So what’s next? It’s still early, but some people are already making plans and taking to the streets. Others are still asking questions and need more time.

There’s no wrong answer here, so why don’t you let us know what you're thinking and where you're at today? Send us a message & let us know what's on your mind. Or click below and let us know how you want to get involved.

We’ll respond to any questions or thoughts you offer — and if you just want to do something, we’ll be reaching out too.

Still we rise,
Working Washington