Customers turn away from Subway - in support of striking worker

“I’ll be honest, I love Subway’s sandwiches,” said Michelle standing outside of the 8th and Olive Subway holding her umbrella. “I eat there all the time, but not anymore. I can’t believe they fired a striking worker. That’s wrong.”

She wasn’t alone.Boycott Subway Banner v2-page-001

Customers going to downtown Subways during the all important lunch rush were confronted with a choice as community members and workers stood outside with a large banner with a simple message across it - “Strike Back Against Retaliation. Boycott Subway.”

Subway fired a striking worker, Carlos Hernandez, after he helped lead a citywide fast food workers’ strike. Now he, his former co-workers and community members are speaking out in response.

Carlos came out to talk to potential customers the entire week during the lunch rush handing out fliers and telling his story.

“I want my job back to show my co-workers they don’t have to be afraid,” he said talking to a customer who eventually decided not to go into Subway. “I went out on strike for better pay and better working conditions not only for me, but for them too. Subway didn’t like that, but we have to stand up for our rights no matter what.”

One customer, Anne, came up to us in front of the 3rd and Union Subway with something to tell us.

“I got your flyer yesterday,” she said. “I made my own sandwich today.”

Duane, a man sporting an over-sized jacket, grey hair and a wooden cane, came over to the boycott action when he saw the banner.

“You all got my support.100%,” he said shaking the hand of a community member holding the banner. “I’ve been through plenty of boycotts and they all come down to one thing, discipline. So stay strong, keep at it.”

“There is discrimination that can only be stopped by hitting them where it hurts,” Duane continued. “The pocket. I’m telling everybody not to eat at Subway.”