Be There As Olympia City Council Discusses a $15 Minimum Wage

This coming Tuesday, October 27, Olympia City Council will meet to discuss raising Olympia's minimum wage. Workers in Olympia have been coming together and raising their voices over the past year to demand a $15 minimum wage and workers' rights. They've gone on strike, marched in the streets, met with politicians. And city council is listening.

Olympia's workers and community members agree: A $15 minimum wage would strengthen our city's economy. With higher wages, people can support themselves, afford the basics, and more people with more money in their pockets means more spending at our local businesses.

But City Council needs to hear from you. Be there as the council takes a major step forward. 
Let's show them what it looks like when we come together to say: Olympia needs $15 and workers' rights.

Come down to Olympia City Hall on Tuesday to let City Council know Olympia needs $15!

Posted by Working Washington on Friday, October 23, 2015

Can't make it to City Hall?

We know not everyone's schedule allows a trip to City Hall in the evening. But that doesn't mean you can't offer your public testimony to City Council. Maybe you've seen workers testifying before council, sharing their stories about living on poverty wages and what $15 and would mean for Olympia.

Now it's your turn: Take a short video explaining why you support $15 and workers' rights for Olympia, and use the form below to send it to us! Keep it to less than 2 minutes, just like City Council testimony, and be specific about what higher wages and workers' rights mean to you.


Introduce yourself by name and tell them where you live. Then try answering just one of these simple questions:

  • What's the first thing you'd do if you got a real raise at work?
  • Why do you think council members should support $15 in Olympia?
  • Who do you know that would be affected by Olympia raising the minimum wage?
  • What's one thing you've had to do to make ends meet that politicians probably don't know anything about?

That's it! Fill out the form below and send in your video — you can even  just use it to open your camera and make your video right now.

It's time to make our voices heard!